The importance of “business in common”


In what direction is the world of work moving in the era of the new economy and digital transformation? This is explained by Domenico Bocchetti of Area Imprese Network

In the era of the new economy and the digital transformation, the peculiar figure of the “individualist” entrepreneur was almost totally alternated by working groups organized on the concept of “business networks”. They represent a juridical-economic instrument of cooperation between companies that, through the signing of a specific contract, mutually undertake, in implementation of a common program, to collaborate in forms and areas related to their activities, exchanging information and services of an industrial nature, commercial or technological and jointly realizing certain activities pertaining to the object of each company. “The purpose of the network is to identify itself with the objective of following an increasingly globalized market, and consequently with the need to increase, individually and collectively, the innovative capacity and competitiveness of the participating companies, leveraging the introduction of horizontal technologies and sharing of knowledge and strategic resources “, Domenico Bocchetti, well-known accountant of Area Imprese Network, as well as Auditor, Technical Consultant of the Court and Bankruptcy Trustee.

Dott. Bocchetti, what advantages does this legal instrument offer to companies or professionals?

Introduced in the Italian legal system by Law n. 33 of 9 April 2009, the business networks allow small and medium-sized enterprises to overcome the obstacles deriving from their dimensional limits and reach a critical mass to compete globally, in international contexts, safeguarding their individuality. They are, therefore, a legal instrument that generates value for the participating companies that, through collaboration on the net with other companies, can achieve ambitious development objectives, much higher than those that they would be able to pursue by acting alone, optimizing resources and skills and squeezing management costs. A transversal institute capable of combining different features both territorially and technically, starting precisely from the “low”, that is, from common needs of more conscious development and proposition in increasingly saturated markets. “Together we grow better”, favoring the innovation of companies and their coordination to provide customers with services and works that require the most different technologies.

It can therefore be said that the world of business consulting is experiencing a moment of radical metamorphosis: new and urgent needs of a clientele grappling with an unprecedented economic crisis, irremediably weigh on those offering professional services. How?

Nowadays, more and more customers, often, are convinced that their company needs a global consultancy, able to untangle itself in the myriad of obligations with exceptional versatility and competence. The professional world, for its part, has not adapted to this condition, looking for a “professional specificity”, difficult to combine with the varied and articulated needs of its customers.

In this context, Area Imprese Network has been able to stand out. What are its strengths?

Experience and professionalism: these are the distinctive features of a complex, articulated and complete Group, a leader in providing economic, financial and legal advice to micro and medium-sized companies. A team to entrust all the most delicate aspects of business management, from accounting to relationships with banks, customers and suppliers. The ideal partner for those companies that intend to pursue important development and revitalization objectives, and who wish to undertake a path aimed at satisfying the customer from every point of view.

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